Imbolc, celebrated on February 2, marks the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth to the God. The longer periods of light awaken Her. The God is growing up quickly (as children often do.), and He is a strong, lusty boy, but His power is felt in the longer days. The warmth fertilizes the Earth (the Goddess), causes seeds to germinate and sprout. And so the earliest of beginnings of spring occur. Hence, why we have Punxatawny Phil telling us we only have 6 weeks left of winter.

Imbolc is also called Candlemas, the Feast of Torches, Oimelc, Lupercalia, Feast of Pan, Snowdrop Festival, Feast of the Waxing Light, Brigid's Day, and many other names. Some female Wiccans follow the old Scandinavian custom of wearing a crown of thirteen lit candles. But many more simply carry tapers during invocations. This is a traditional time of initiation in a coven, or self-dedications can be performed or renewed.

Traditional ritual herbs - angelica, basil, bay, benzoin, celandine, heather, myrrh, and all yellow flowers.

Altar decorations - a crown of thirteen red candles, a sprig of evergreen, a besom or Witch's broom to symbolize "sweeping out the old," and a small statue or figurine of the Goddess in Her Maiden aspect.

Traditional Sabbat incense - basil, myrrh, and wisteria

Sacred Sabbat gemstones - amethyst, garnet, onyx, and turquoise

Sabbat deities - The goddess in Her Maiden aspect, Brigid (Celtic goddess of fire, wisdom, poetry, and sacred wells; also a deity associated with prophecy, divination, and the arts of healing), and Aradia (the daughter of Diana, and "founder of the Witch cult on Earth").

Candle colors- white, red, pink, brown.

Traditional foods - any food that represents growth, such as seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, etc.),poppyseed breads and cakes, and herbal teas.

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