Unlike some religions, Wicca doesn't view Deity as distant. The Goddess and the God are both within ourselves and manifest in all nature. This is the universality: There is nothing that isn't of the Gods.

A study of Shamanism reveals much of the heart of magickal and religious experience in general, and Wicca in particular. With ritual as a means to enter ritual consciousness, the Shaman or Wicca constantly expands his or her knowledge, and knowledge is power. Wicca helps its practitioners to understand the universe and our place within it.

Wicca is a religion with many variations. Because it is such a personally-structured system, I can only make generalizations about its creed and form here, to create a picture of the nature of Wicca.

Wicca, in common with many other religions, recognizes the Deity as dual. It reveres both the Goddess and the God. They are equal, warm, and loving, not distant or resident in "heaven" but omnipresent, and all around us.

Like many Eastern religions, Wicca, embraces the doctrine of reincarnation, which is a much-misunderstood subject. However, Wicca doesn't teach that upon physical death our souls will reincarnate in anything other than a human body. Also, few of the Wicca believe that we began our existence as rocks, trees, etc., before evolving into humans. Though these creatures do possess a soul, it is not the same as a human soul.

Reincarnation answers many questions like : What happens after death? Why do we seem to remember things we've never done in this life? Why are we sometimes strangely attracted to people and places we've never before seen?

The Wiccan ideal of morality is very simple: "And it harm none, do what ye will." This rule contains another unwritten condition: do nothing that will harm yourself. Thus, if you as a Wicca abuse your body, deny it the necessities of life or otherwise harm yourself, you're in violation of this principle. This is more than just survival. It also ensures that you'll be in good condition to take on the tasks of preserving and bettering our world, for concern and love for our planet play major roles in Wicca.

Wicca is a religion that utilizes magick. This is one of the most appealing and unique features. "Religious magick?" You may ask. This isn't as strange as it sounds. Catholic priests use "magick" to transform a piece of bread into the body of a long-deceased "savior." Prayer - a common tool in many religions - is simply a form of concentration and communication with Deity. If the concentration is extended, energies are sent out with the thoughts, which may in time, make the prayer true. Prayer, therefore, is a form of religious magick.

Most Wiccans don't believe in predestination. Although we honor and revere the Goddess and God, we know that we are free souls with full control and responsibility for our lives. We can't point at an image of an evil god, such as Satan, and blame it for our faults and weaknesses. We can't blame fate. Every second of each day we're creating our futures, shaping the courses of our lives. Once a Wiccan takes full responsibility for all that she or he has done (in this life and past ones) and determines that future actions will be in accord with higher ideals and goals, magick will blossom and life will be a joy.

That perhaps, is at the core of Wicca - it is a joyous union with nature. The Earth is a manifestation of divine energy. Wicca's temples are flower-splashed meadows, forests, beaches and deserts. When a Wicca is outdoors she or he is actually surrounded by sanctity, much as is a Christian within the walls of a Cathedral or church.

Additionally, all nature is constantly singing to us, revealing Her secrets. Wiccans listen to the Earth. They don't shut out the lessons that She is so desperately trying to teach us. When we lose touch with our blessed planet, we lose touch with Deity.

These have been some of the basic principles of Wicca. They are the true Wicca; the rituals and myths are secondary to these ideals and serve to celebrate them.

Don't shut out the physical world in favor of the spiritual or magickal realms, for only through nature can we experience these realities. We are here on the Earth for a reason. Do, however, use ritual to expand your awareness so that you are truly at one with all creation.

The way is open. The ancient Goddess and God await within and around you.

May They bless you with wisdom and power.

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