There are three types of magick. White magick, or "true magick", is the magick of choice among most Wiccans and contemporary Pagans. White magick is consistent with the Rede, and it harms none. It is used for positive purposes, such as healing, love matters, spiritual growth, and beneficial transformations. Black magick, a term I'm sure you're all familiar with, is the opposite of White magick. Even those that have a limited knowledge of the Craft know that Black magick deals with hexes, dolls with pins in them, curses, and other things of a deliberately evil nature. Black magick is very, very powerful, even to toy with. It is better left alone. Take my word for it. Gray magick is a combination of the two, usually White magick that borders on being black, such as love spell directed at a certain person. True story, I was reading about an object called a witch's bottle. It asked me to place a lock of hair from the person whose love I desired. First off, I didn't really desire anyone in particular, but the only person I could think of lives like 50 miles away, how am I going to get a lock of hair? (Could you imagine me stalking them on their way to the barber, so I can get a lock of hair? Oh my....) That and I feel comfortable forcing someone into something against their will. So I went by the famous (or not so famous) saying, "When in doubt, leave it out." So I left out that part of the spell. I'm sure you're sitting there horrified. I changed a spell?!?!?! Oh no! Yes, it can be done, in fact I wholly encourage it. Remember you are the one performing it, so you have total control over it. If something doesn't feel like it belongs in there, change it. Make the spell or ritual, fit YOU. You don't have to conform to someone else's idea. Be all you can be!